Best seller in rajasthan

Our collection is a Leather of craft skills, which stands out thanks to their marked personality and strong“handmade” Leathaer bag  Mainly of small leather goods, the collection includes handbags, briefcases,  for both men and women and other accessories, leaving the natural beauty of live materials is the real strength of the collection.

The leather goods manufacturing equipment are imported from Jodhpur. The Quality Assurance setup is comparable to the best in the world to achieve consistent product quality.

We have a team of two hundred skilled craftsmen and craftswomen, who are considered masters in their respective fields. Well-planned procedures ensure that production and delivery takes place as on schedule our in-house designers regularly develop new products and sourcing is done globally for new leathers, accessories and metal fittings to tailor-make leather goods suitable for different markets around the world.

Our Designs are more diverse in the collections than ever before with bold colour palettes and cutting edge styling.

We have achieved an enviable international reputation due to our consistent endeavors towards customer satisfaction, total quality control and strict adherence to delivery schedules.